Parker’s 3rd Birthday

parker3rd.jpgParker celebrated his 3rd birthday with some family and friends.  We had a good time.  My family couldn’t make it for various reasons.  It’s tough living away from family, but that makes it all the sweeter when we can be together.  Parker, of course, got more stuff than any one child needs.  He won’t play with everything for weeks.  Check out the pictures page to see the party pictures.  I just have to say that the cake was really good, we are still eating on it, and hopefully, will be for sometime.  I can’t believe he is three, well, except for the way he acts sometimes…  Other than that, I can’t believe he is already three.  He’ll be in school in just 2 all too short years.  He and I are both getting old fast.

On another note, I hope you enjoy the new site design…  It has been a few weeks in the making.  I’m sure I’ll have little quirks to work out in the coming weeks, but I’m very happy with the way it has turned out.  I have a few things left to tweak graphicly, but the bones are in good shape.  So enjoy!