Category Archives: Blog

6 random things…

I usually don’t play along with these things, but… I haven’t posted in awhile, and I really don’t much else to say. So thanks to Renee at for the tag. 

6 Random Things about me:

  1. I tend to get q-tips stuck in my ear.
  2. I clean my phone on a weekly basis.
  3. I had 5 webcams streaming live from my house at one point.
  4. I don’t like Apple’s software, but love their style.
  5. I will retreat to my mind at the drop of hat, I think too much.
  6. I love well written and spoken words.

Well, there are my 6 things.  Talk about random.  Doesn’t get much more random than that.  Now, I’m supposed to tag 6 more people, but… In a fit of blogging rebellion, I’m going to call it self serve.  If you feel like writing 6 random things about yourself, consider yourself tagged!  Just link back to me.  Have a great night, and week everyone!

Kayce in Cross Street Live

Here are some shots of Kayce from Cross Street Live last night.  It was really great.  All the kids seemed to love it, and I’ll admit, I enjoyed it too.  Great job everyone!

Ben, this is your fault!

If you had never exposed me to this crazy contraption and the heavenly liquid it creates, I could have died in blissful ingnorance. So, I finally just couldn’t live with drip coffee any longer. My eyes have been opened to the wonderful world that is the French press! Try one, you will never go back!

Watch me Work…

Or not… I’ve added back to my site, an old friend of mine. My webcam. I actually have about 5 webcams. I did at one point have them all hooked up in differents parts of our house streaming live, but that got alittle annoying as you can imagine. So, I took them down. I’ve added one camera back at my office, if for no other reason than I can. I just have a love of all things gadgety and video related gadgets are the best. I have a wireless webcam that is awesome. I love it. I am still looking for the right place to put it, but in the mean time you can watch the traffic on our street. Enjoy!

Our Weekend

Here are some pictures from this weekend.  We had a pretty boring, normal weekend.  Kayce ran around town doing errands on Saturday.  I watched the boys, and we spent alot of time outside since it was so nice.  When Carson was sleeping and Parker was watching a movie, I was in the garage refinishing a couple dressers for Parker and myself.  They turned out pretty good.  The main thing though, is that they are done and we can get them out of the garage.  Yeah!  I watch a great movie from Netflix on Saturday night: Tranformers!  If you haven’t seen it, go get it.  It is long, and very “actiony”, but good.  If you liked The Incredible Hulk, X-Men, Spiderman…  Those kind of superhero movies.  You will probably like this.  The effects were great!  I loved it.  I watched it again last night.  Sunday, we went to church, then to Kentucky for Macon’s birthday party, which was fun.  Parker and Carson stayed with the Floz while Kayce and I went home to get ready for our small group.  We are still a small group, but a great group.  After group, we had to drive back to Kentucky to get the boys…  I thought not getting them, but I couldn’t talk Kayce out of it.  That was pretty much our weekend.  It was a good one.  Not nearly as busy of the past few weeks, but still alot of fun.Â