6 random things…

I usually don’t play along with these things, but… I haven’t posted in awhile, and I really don’t much else to say. So thanks to Renee at http://www.myspecialks.com/ for the tag. 

6 Random Things about me:

  1. I tend to get q-tips stuck in my ear.
  2. I clean my phone on a weekly basis.
  3. I had 5 webcams streaming live from my house at one point.
  4. I don’t like Apple’s software, but love their style.
  5. I will retreat to my mind at the drop of hat, I think too much.
  6. I love well written and spoken words.

Well, there are my 6 things.  Talk about random.  Doesn’t get much more random than that.  Now, I’m supposed to tag 6 more people, but… In a fit of blogging rebellion, I’m going to call it self serve.  If you feel like writing 6 random things about yourself, consider yourself tagged!  Just link back to me.  Have a great night, and week everyone!