So, the new iPhone 3G-S is really great (once you dry it out, see post). It does video really well, and I like the “idea” of being able to upload from my phone to youtube. I just wish apple would make it alittle more robust and let us determine where we upload our video. I don’t really like the idea of putting my personal/family videos up on youtube. The only people I want to look at them already have access to this site. Plus, I have noticed some not so related “related” videos showing up on the side. I know there are ways to configure youtube to make “family friendly”, but why bother when my site is already such. So, I just discovered (I’m sure most have figured this out already) that if I upload to youtube, let it do all the encoding, and then log into my youtube account and download the resulting mp4. I can then upload that to my wordpress and use wordtube to view it on my site. You might notice how I like the word “my” there. I really like for most of my content, especially family related, to stay on my site. Call lme paranoid. Go ahead. Do it! I know its a few more steps, but it beats, hooking my phone up to my laptop, transferring the video, using qt-pro to export the video as an avi, use Riva to encode the flv, and then upload it to my site. I just let youtube do all the hard work, then I download it and delete it. Nice. Thanks youtube. Oh, see the resulting videos below.