Tagged in: Video

Computer Education… 80’s Style!

This is a computer video I had the pleasure of watching in a middle school computer class not long after it was released.  I thought about it for some unknown reason a few days ago, and finally found it on youtube.  Take a look, it’s pretty informative, especially for really basic computer users.  Enjoy!

Using YouTube, but Not Really

So, the new iPhone 3G-S is really great (once you dry it out, see post).  It does video really well, and I like the “idea” of being able to upload from my phone to youtube.  I just wish apple would make it alittle more robust and let us determine where we upload our video.  I don’t really like the idea of putting my personal/family videos up on youtube.  The only people I want to look at them already have access to this site.  Plus, I have noticed some not so related “related” videos showing up on the side.  I know there are ways to configure youtube to make “family friendly”, but why bother when my site is already such.  So, I just discovered (I’m sure most have figured this out already) that if I upload to youtube, let it do all the encoding, and then log into my youtube account and download the resulting mp4.  I can then upload that to my wordpress and use wordtube to view it on my site.  You might notice how I like the word “my” there.  I really like for most of my content, especially family related, to stay on my site.  Call lme paranoid.  Go ahead.  Do it!  I know its a few more steps, but it beats, hooking my phone up to my laptop, transferring the video, using qt-pro to export the video as an avi, use Riva to encode the flv, and then upload it to my site.  I just let youtube do all the hard work, then I download it and delete it.  Nice.  Thanks youtube. Oh, see the resulting videos below.

Fun Visit

030208parkerdunbarbw01web.jpgMy mom and dad were down this weekend.  We had a great time.  We ate chili, played, ate chili, went to the park, flew my airplane, wrecked my airplane, ate chili, etc…  Sunday we went to Teri’s house to eat, which was fun, as usual, but even more so being able to have some my family there.  Parker and Carson, had a great time seeing Mamaw and Papaw, as well.  And Kayce and I didn’t mind having live in baby sitters for day, either.  But it’s monday and we’re back at work…  Oh well, back to the real world.  Kayce’s class is studying magnets this week…  I’m going to attempt to build a large enough electro-magnet to pull fillings out of her students heads…  Or at least, to pick up a paper clip.  We’ll see.  If you see a large plume of smoke coming from Clarksville, that would be me.  Oh, don’t forget to checkout the video and pictures sections, there are some new additions there, including the picture to the left. 

I hope everyone else had an enjoyable weekend, and has a fantastic week.  I can’t think of anything coming up that I might need to post here, and quite frankly, I’m tired, so I think I’m going to call this post Finished.  Check back soon!