The Boys

parkercarsonweb.jpgWe just got the boys 3 year and 2 month pictures back today.  They turned out so well.  You can take a look on the pictures page.  We had a great night tonight.  Kayce and I had our first small group meeting with our new group at Grace Community Church.  We had a great time getting to know the folks we are going to be meeting with for the next year and a half.  Kayce may be out of school tomorrow (she will probably blame me for jinxing it by typing this if they aren’t), it has started to sleet and snow alittle.  We’ll see.  Parker has his first Valentines Party tomorrow at preschool.  He picked out what Valentines he was giving to whom, and then signed his “P” to most of them.  His hand got tired so he asked if he could stop after about 5. 

I recorded the Clarksville Academy Middle School choir today.  The high schoolers are coming next week.  Each spring they have a concert, and to boost their confidence (and volume), Debbie (who also works part time at FBC doing Student Choir), brings them over to record.  It is kind of fun, and I get paid alittle.  I record them, then put their voices to the tracks, and split it so they add or take away the voices during the concert (by panning Left or Right). 

Anyway.  Nothing too exciting going on here in Clarksville…  Just the same old, same old.  Have a great rest of the week.