Just some random pictures from our life, along with some random video. In this installment… We camped out in the backyard for one crazy night. It was so hot and humid, I thought I might die. Kayce and Carson were plenty comfy inside the house, however. Tennessee’s weather is pretty lousy for camping. The picture of Parker’s painting is Manny the Mammoth that he took for show and tell day. He’s actually been the featured artist of the week a few times this year. Enjoy Carson’s song in the video below. Not sure what all he’s saying, but it was cute. He just came home one day and started singing this song. Funny kid. Don’t ask about the winter coat thing… I have no idea what that was about. As for the check engine light… I’m going to have to get that checked. I know I have a brake issue, ABS problem with the passenger side rear brake, probably a fouled plug, and a slight oil leak, but no clue about the light. Seems to b running ok for now… I’ll let you know if it blows up.
- Featured artist
- Parker took this
- They’re up to something
- Check Engine Light
- Dentist with a View
- Camp Susong