At three AM this morning, Kayce wakes me with Adam, Adam!! Whats that light?! There was an eerie orange light flashing in our bedroom window. After I was awake enough to realize I WASNT dreaming, I took a look out the windows to see the emergency lights flashing on our van. I was slightly weirded out. I tried the remote to see if somehow the alarm had gone off but wasnt making any noise. It hadnt. The lights kept blinking. After grabbing a flash light, I made my way out to the car with Kayce following at a distance enough to make me feel like a giant guinea pig. Regardless, I watched at the back door as I used the remote to open the automatic van doors (Best thing ever!) and see who or what came running out. I didnt see anyone get out and the lights kept flashing, so I approached very cautiously. The van was empty and nothing was noticeably disturbed. It was, in fact, the emergency flashers that had been turned on. I turned them off and came back inside. I was so focused on the van that I hadnt noticed how quickly the cat had run in the back door when I opened it. Later, I put it all together… Kayce had gone to grocery store earlier that afternoon. After she unloaded the groceries she had left the back of the van open and asked me to shut it. That was about 2:30 or 3:00 pm. From what I can tell, The cat spent almost 12 hours in our van and sometime after midnight managed to hit the emergency blinkers. I did find some cat hair on the seats and a smashed klennex box, confirming my theory. I cant believe he didnt scratch our leather seats, I guess he learned his lesson 5 years ago when he scratched our sofa. So, we either the dumbest cat, for getting trapped in the van, or the smartest for finding a way to let us know he was trapped. Either way, Im just glad I dont have to get the van steam cleaned, if you know what I mean.
All posts by Adam
December Pictures
December is always crazy around here. We come off Thanksgiving and go straight into Carsons birthday. Then the First Christmas presentation at church. Between those two and shopping and Kayce finishing up school and me getting ready for my time off… It gets hectic. But now we are on our Christmas break. And were enjoying it quite nicely. Ive had time to make a ton of chocolate candies and tried my hand at homemade candy canes as well. I also finished a hat that was meant for Molly but ended up way too big… So, I told Kayce, I accidentally made a hat for her. Weve visited Santa, whom Molly didnt care for. Parker watched me donate blood. He found it pretty interesting. We walked down the river walk to see the lights and much, much more…
Im sure your December has been just as busy. Dont forget to take a break from the craziness and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Merry Christmas!
The boys carved some pumpkins tonight… Rather, Kayce and I did. While the boys got grossed out by the pumpkin guts.
Funny things to ask Siri…
After several days of playing with Siri I’ve stumbled into some funny responses. For instances, “Do you know any jokes?” gets the response , “two iphones walk into a bar, i forget the rest…” Sometimes it seems when you ask questions repeatedly you get different answers. So have fun with it.
Have you found anything funny that Siri says? Leave it in the comments.