Tagged in: Rules

Adam’s Technology Rules #3 & #4

I hope you liked my Rules #1 & #2, now onto #3 & #4. 

Rule #3: Don’t be afraid of it

There is no harm in experimenting.  I’ve learned 90% of what I know from trial and error.  There are only a few things that you can do to completely mess up a computer, or most electronics for that matter.  Just use some common sense.  If you are short on common sense, do what I do…  Google!

Rule #4: If it’s too good to be true

It probably is!  This should fall into that “common sense” category, but I’ve known too many people that loose all their good sense when they turn on a computer.  Advertisers, hackers, spammers, and viruses thrive on the fact that people love to get something for nothing.  As a loose rule, I delete all e-mail that begin with FW:, I never EVER click on banner ads, and I don’t open email attachments that I didn’t request.  Those three things alone will save you alot of headaches.  If you would be suspicious of someone trying to give you a “free” car in a mall, why wouldn’t you be online?  Don’t leave your brain behind when you bootup.