Tagged in: Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day…

I’m never quite sure what do with this holiday.  Shouldn’t we be good to our mother’s all year-round?  If we haven’t been, then sure it’s nice to stop being mean to your mother for a day and be nice…  You can go back to being mean on Monday.  I’m never very sure what to get either, partially because I usually forget about this holiday.  We barely make it through our weeks with our heads still attached, much less plan ahead to purchase/make a gift for our mothers.  Not to say we don’t appreciate everything our mother’s do for us.  We do. Very much.  I also haven’t gotten the hang of getting presents from the boys to Kayce.  Parker is getting almost old enough that I can ask him what he wants to get mama for mother’s day or her birthday, etc…  He usually give pretty good answers.  Carson, well, he still has no clue.  So, here it is Saturday, May 8, and I have no gifts for anyone.  Sorry mothers.  And Parker and Carson have nothing either.  You can’t blame them, they really don’t have much of an income. 

So, the best I can do on this short notice is to say, without getting too mushy, what all the mothers in my life mean to me. 

Although, I often disagreed with you, didn’t want to do things your way, or fought you with every ounce of energy I had…  Somehow, you managed to raise me, and I turned out alright after all.  I now have two boys who often disagree with me, don’t want to do things my way, and fight me with all their energy…  But if I can half as good at raising them, as you did with me, they will be alright, too.  Thanks Mom!  I love you!

You’ve been the most tremendous mother to our boys.  I won’t say that their Mama’s boys, but there have never been two boys who love their mama more than ours.  From the time they wake-up and want Mama to get them dressed, until I pick them up at school, and they wish that you had instead.  They love their Mama… Or dislike their Daddy…  Hmm… You’re a source of encouragement for me and an inspiration for our children.  Thank you for being my friend, my wife, the mother of my children.  I love you!

If I have to have a mother-in-law…  I’m glad it’s you.

UPDATE: Before I get in too much trouble…  Let me clarify that the above is just a joke.  I do indeed love my mother in law.  I’m just a hopeless prankster.