Well, I finally did it. After being annoyed by the factory earbuds that came with my phone, I decided to trade them out for something alittle better. I had a set of Sennheiser CXL300’s, which sound great, but due to the Lanyard design, were useless for my iphone. They were cheap, since no one wanted the lanyard deal, but the in-ear drivers were really good. Actually on the regular CX300, the same drivers cost about $80. So, I was up for trying to swap them out.Â
If you are wondering why I didn’t just make the cable longer, or even buy a new headset with in-ears… Well, fair question, but I just like to do this kind of stuff. And quite frankly, most in-ear headsets for the iphone are just too expensive, I refuse pay that much. I wanted to have the functionality of the iphone controler and mic that are on the headset, so that’s why I didn’t just go with headphones. Anyway, below are pictures of the project. I had to do alittle research online about the wiring of the iphone headset, but after that it was pretty simple. Just connect the two wires on each earbud. Alittle solder to get a good connection, and then some heatshrink to make it all look nice and hold together. Oh, I did put alittle liquid insulation on the wires to keep shorts from happening. They seem to working like a charm. I’m happy with them anyway. I know kayce will like them, since those iphone earbuds hurt her little ears too.Â
- Final headset
- Finished in-ears
- Close-up of finished in-ears
- Wires with liquid insulation
- Wire connected and soldered
- Original Sennheiser Lanyard in-ears
- Original iPhone Headset