I had a great father’s day. The Boys got up early and made me a Necktie Cake. And by “The Boys”, I mean Kayce woke up early and made it. The boys were still asleep. What a gal! We managed to all get ready and out the door in time for church, which was great, by the way. We had a great morning. In the afternoon we had a cookout with our small group. We had a great time hanging out and swimming. But most of all I had a great time eating!! The food was great. I’m looking forward to getting home this afternoon and eating what is left of the crab ceviche that the Garcias made. It’s SO good. By now, you have probably learned my priorities in life are Family, Tech, and Food. With the latter two swapping from time to time. Anyway, below are some pictures and videos from the weekend. What a good time. Not that work isn’t great. I enjoy it too, and we eat pretty good around here, too.
- Kayce & Carson Swimming
- Boys eating at the cookout
- Parker and Daddy on Father’s Day
- Wow… Good Morning, right?