Parker’s going to school

We went to Parker’s Preschool open house tonight.  He starts next week, going two days a week to give Donna a break.  He seemed to like it.  I’m pretty sure we could have left him there tonight, and he wouldn’t have cared.  There are only 8 kids in his classroom.  I’m sure he is going ot have a great time.  He only goes for 4 hours two days a week.  It will good for him to play with some kids other than his cousins. 

On a completely different note…  We are working hard getting the church plant off the ground.  We had a great second perview service, and will “officially” launch on the 9th of Sept.  If you haven’t already, check it out at  Along with everything that Kayce and I are doing for that, we are both keeping busy at work.  Kayce’s first year at Barksdale is going really well.  She likes it alot.  We finally got her classroom looking really good.  I’ll get some pictures posted soon.  I’ve been buried at work for the past few weeks.  We had constant problems with e-mail, network, copiers, computer, etc…  It just never stops.  And to add to it all, my computer started acting up on Tuesday, and I have no one to call for help… I am the call for help!!  I did call in some backup, when I couldn’t figure out the problem on my computer.  He couldn’t figure it out either.  I finally found the patch I needed today that fixed my problem, but only after I wasted two whole days on it!  Now I have another computer that has crashed (hard drive died), I’ve replaced it and I’m working on getting it up an running again.  I should be able to salvage the data from the old drive, it just takes time.  I’m also, re-doing the automated phone system at work, it was very out of date.  AND, we are still getting the new website running more smoothly, as we continue to learn more about all the features it offers.  BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!  Oh…  And we are almost 6.5 month pregnant!  Speaking of, Kayce wants the old baby clothes out of the attic, Everyone have a great Labor Day Weekend.  I will! I’m getting a new camera!