Meet Molly, IN 3D!!

Well, you knew it was coming. We’ve done the 3D ultrasound with all of our children, so you knew sooner-or-later we would have these pictures. Here they are. I have to say, she wasn’t as cooperative as the boys were, but we still got some good pictures, saw a few smiles (gas, probably), and she stuck her tongue out at us (she’s taking after her mother, far too soon).

Molly & Momma

And just for fun… Here’s the whole set. Parker, Carson, and Molly, IN 3D!!

The Three Susongs

The rest of Molly’s pictures will be up in the Picture gallery later. I’m having hosting memory issues and can’t seem to get my gallery plugin to work right. I hope to have them up sometime tomorrow.

UPDATE: The gallery is up and running. Enjoy.