Category Archives: Pictures
They caught me! The ONE time I speed.
I was caught in Morristown on our way home from East Tennessee. Actually we were leaving after visiting my parents, but we were, at this moment, heading for the hospital to visit my Dad after he had heart surgery. He went in with chest pains the day before. So, I think I had a good reason to be speeding, but hey, why fight it. $50 and it helps keeps the road paved, or some sheriff make a boat payment… whatever. Enjoy my misfortune. On the bright side… Look at the detail (minus our plate, which I smudged out) in the last picture. I’m “allegedly” going “60” and you can clearly see our car and Parker’s head… Crazy.
- Me loosing $50
- Got me.
- Crazy Camera
New Pictures… Finally!
It has been awhile since I’ve uploaded pictures. I’ve been having trouble getting the pictures off of our high capacity (HC) SD card. None of our card readers will read the HC cards, and I just discovered that our camera has a bad USB port, so I couldn’t get them images off the card until now. I’m glad it was 4GB card, or we would’ve been in danger of running out of space! So, I just uploaded 4, count ’em, FOUR, new galleries. Parker’s birthday, snow, Easter, and Parker’s first tee-ball game. Here’s a slide show of Parker’s Tee-Ball game. Enjoy!
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Life Pictures, Part 5
Here are some pictures capture by my phone. It’s been awhile since my last life pictures post, so these go back alittle bit. Enjoy the sometimes randomness of our lives. Keep in mind Parker and Carson sometimes take these pictures…
- Parker in an Apple Tree
- Carson in an Apple Tree
- Great Tree Daddy
- Elmo’s just my size
- King Carson
- Christmas Revolution
- Christmas Revolution
- That’s my chair!
- Before the tubes
- Adolf Snowman
- My Dreams
- Reliving my Childhood
- Mailman…
- How cool am I?
- Eye See you!
- The Boys
- Parker’s Toys
- Tyson and Parker
- Parker and Carson
- Parker and Statue
- Carson and Mamaw S.
- Kids in my truck
- Parker in his future truck
Parker the Cartoonist…
Parker has taken in the past few weeks to drawing charaters and then wanting us to cut them out. Basically, he is making his own action figures in the form of paper dolls. It’s pretty funny. With all the toys that this boys has, he would rather make his own. So, I guess for his birthday, we’re just going to get him a few reams of paper. He spent most of yestarday drawing the characters from Larry Boy, a character created by the Veggie Tales folks. He then had Kayce and I cut them all out. Today, Kayce and Parker spent some time water coloring them. I have to say he did a great job drawing and coloring them. Especially, when you consider that he didn’t have anything in front of him at the time. He drew and colored them all from memory. Pretty good, I think, but I’m partial, of course.
- Parker’s Creations
Sad moment…
I opened my laptop Saturday morning only to hear stomach turning crack. It was possibly the second sadest technology moment of my life. Second only to my getting in the lake with my week old iPhone 3GS in my pocket. Kayce said my face was hilarious and it looks like my screen was shot several times. It is my work computer but it is way out of warranty. Dell is checking on a replacement display. Sad day.
Just another funny Dilbert from