Well, the Susong crew made a trek to Lifeway on Saturday to meet Bob and Larry. We had a good time, but sorry Lifeway, we didn’t buy anything. Nice try, though. Carson would not go near Bob or Larry. And he wasn’t even too excited to see Parker see up to them. He walked behind Parker just to make sure Parker was ok, then came back to us. It was pretty funny. Carson likes his big Bubba and didn’t want the giant tomato or cucumber to get him.
Kayce is starting back to school next week, and the boys had their first day at preschool.  Things have really began to pick up around here. We had a crazy week last week, with all the network issues and change over at church. At the same time, Kayce was trying to get her room done at school. She tried taking the boys, but that never ends up well. So, I would go to work at 7am and then go over to school at 6pm and watch the boys while she worked. It was a very LONG week. The whole reason we had so many network issues turned out to be a mouse that had chew completely through our fiber optic cable that ties the buildings together. One little mouse brought everything to a grinding hault. We (and by “we”, I mean the awesome guys that we brought in to replace the damaged length of fiber), finally got the network up and going this afternoon. That’s 3 days of no network. Not good in this day and time, not good at all. But, now that I know some of our weak points, I’m on a mission to make sure we have a backup and some redundancy in place in case something else goes wrong. What a mess. Glad its over.
Speaking of a bad week. I found this picture in my phone and thought it was funny. I snapped this while we were driving home from my parent’s home a month or so ago. It made me laugh and thirsty at the same time. Oh, what I would give for a giant tanker truck full of coffee. Too bad it was just a gas truck advertising some gas stations nasty coffee. Oh well.Â
- What the mouse did…
- Parker and Larry
- Parker and Bob
- I dream about this truck